The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council

Most Rev. Eugeniusz Popowicz, the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Przemysl – Warsaw,  in his 653/X/2016 Decree of 10th October 2016, approved the new Pastoral Council


  1. Rev. Jan Haluszka
  2. Rev. Mykola Kozitskyy, OSBM
  3. Rev. Mykola Kostetsky, OSBM
  4. Rev. Piotr Kuszka, OSBM
  5. Rev. Mitred Jan Lajkosz
  6. Rev. Grzegorz Nazar
  7. Rev. Bogdan Panczak
  8. Rev. Vasyl Parasyuk, OSBM
  9. Rev. Jan Pipka
  10. Rev. Pawel Potoczny
  11. Rev. Pawel Rohun
  12. Rev. Bogdan Stepan
  13. Rev. Roman Storoniak
  14. Rev. Jan Tarapacki


  1. Sister Myroslawa Hnylycia, SSJ
  2. Sister Natalia Macina, SSMI
  3. Sister Magdalena Szewczyk, OSBM


  1. Miroslaw Bachor – Bartoszyce
  2. Slawomir Hojsak – Pantna
  3. Pawel Hrycyna – Rzeszow
  4. Katarzyna Polewczak – Gizycko
  5. Bogdan Popowicz – Przemysl
  6. Miroslaw Prytula – Elblag
  7. Bogdan Tchir – Gorowo Ilaweckie

Душпастирська Рада діє на основі кан. 272  Кодексу Канонів Східніх Церков і Статуту Єпархіяльної Душпастирської Ради. Головними завданям ради є підтримувати єпископа у справах, що стосуються програмування та координування душпастирської діяльності в єпархії.

The Pastoral Council acts according to Can. 272 of The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and Statute of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. The main task of teh council is to support the bishop in planning and coordination of pastoral work in the diocese.

The Council is responsible for:

  • identifying religious and moral state of life of the faithful
  • sharing information about pastoral needs of the faithful with bishop and presenting opinions concerning various forms of pastoral acitivity in the diocese
  • using their own experience in search for more effective methods of postoral work
  • helping in preparation and execution of the pastoral programme
  • assisting priests in pastoral work
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