The Sunday before Lent Liturgy was celebrated by Most Rev. Eugeniusz Popowicz, the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Przemysl – Warsaw. Abp Popowicz was accompanied by Rev. Mitred Bogdan Stepan, Rev. Pawel Szady and Archdeacon Wlodzimierz Kaczmar.
After the Liturgy, Abp Popowicz together with other priests read the Act of Forgiveness – a traditional prayer at the beginning of Lent.
On that day, the Archcathedral hosted special guests: Sister Zofia Lebedowicz, the Superior General of The Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate S.S.M.I., Sister Martina Kmit from the Serbian Province and Sister Natalia Macina from the Polish Province. Sisters came to Przemysl for a formational meeting.