

Ss. Volodymyr and Olga in Wydminy

Regon: 0401120180

Ss. Volodymyr and Olga Greek Catholic parish in Wydminy, ul. Dworcowa 2A; 11-510 Wydminy,
warminsko – mazurskie voivodeship

Pastor’s address:
Chrzanowo 1; 19-300 Elk, warminsko – mazurskie voivodeship

Tel.: +48 87 619 43 30; Mob. +48 502 283 744

e-mail: stolycia@interia.pl

Pastor: Rev. Grzegorz Andrzej Stolycia

Mass: Sundays 9 AM; Holy Days 11 AM

Date of indulgence: 28th July (St. Volodymyr Day)

Parish was erected in 1976

Record books:
Baptisms from 1976
Marriages from 1976
Deaths from 1976

Religious education: Primary and Middle School in Wydminy and Gawliki Wielkie; religious education for older children is conducted after the Sunday Liturgy

Territory of the parish: Wydminy and Wydminy county