
Holy Cross in Wegorzewo

Regon: 040100673

Holy Cross Greek Catholic parish in Wegorzewo, ul. 11 Listopada 14; 11-600 Wegorzewo, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie

Pastor’s address:
ul. Turystyczna 11; 11-600 Węgorzewo, warmińsko – mazurskie voivodeship

Tel./fax +48 87 427 29 41

Pastor: Fr. Bazyli Andriy Parasyuk OSBM

Mass: Sundays 10 AM, Holy Days 10 AM and 5 PM

Date of indulgence: 14th August

Parish was erected in 1965

Record books:
Baptisms from 1976
Marriages from 1976
Deaths from 1976

Religious education: Primary Schools in Perly, Wegielsztyn, Sobiechy, Wegorzewo and Radzieje; Middle Schools in Wegorzewo, Wiecki and Pozedrze

Territory of the parish: the city and county of Wegorzewo, Budry county and Pozedrze county