
Protection of the Holy Virgin

The church building is under construction

Regon: 281409731
Protection of the Holy Virgin Greek Catholic parish in Godkowo; 14-407 Godkowo, warminsko-mazurskie voivodeship

Pastor’s address:
ul. Poznanska 2a; 82-300 Elblag, warminsko-mazurskie voivodeship

Tel.: +48 55 234 38 33
e-mail: srokaandrzej@wp.pl

Website: http://www.cerkiew.paslek.com

Pastor: Rev. Mitred Andrzej Sroka
Vicar: Rev. Igor Hubacz

Date of indulgence: 14th October

Rev. Andrzej Sroka, ul. Poznanska 2a; 82-300 Elblag,
Rev. Roman Storoniak, ul. ks. Bazylego Hrynyka 1; 14-400 Paslek

Parish was erected 18th March 2002

Record books:
Baptisms from 1959 (together with Paslek parish)
Marriages from 1959 ( together with Paslek parish)
Deaths from 1959 ( together with Paslek parish)

Religious education: Primary School in Godkowo

Territory of the parish:  Godkowo county (except for: Dobry, Dabkowo, Olkowo, Krykajny, Lepno and Podągi)