Dormition of the Theotokos in Asuny
Regon: 040099332
Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Catholic parish in Asuny; 11-410 Barciany,
warminsko – mazruskie voivodeship
Pastor’s address:
ul. Reja 5; 11-400 Ketrzyn
Tel.: +48 87 751 20 61
Mob.: 602 670 114
Pastor: Fr. Jan (Ihor) Harasim, M.A., OSBM
ul. Reja 5; 11-400 Ketrzyn
Mass: Sundays and Holy Days 11 AM; Working Holy Days 11 AM
Date of indulgence: 28th August
Parish was erected in 1958
Record books:
Baptisms from 1968
Marriages from 1958
Deaths from 1968
Religious education: School Complex in Moltajny, 11-410 Barciany; School Complex in Drogosze, 11-410 Barciany; School Complex in Barciany, 11-410 Barciany
Territory of the parish: Lwowiec from Sepopol county; Leknica from Srokowo county and Barciany county