Ss. Volodymyr and Olga in Nowy Sacz
Regon: 120434197
Ss. Volodymyr and Olga Greek Catholic parish in Nowym Sacz, ul. Dlugoszowskiego 83; 33-300 Nowy Sacz, małopolskie voivodeship
Pastor’s address:
ul. Zdrojowa 8; 33-380 Krynica Zdroj, małopolskie voivodeship
Tel. +48 18 471 54 82; Mob. +48 693 302 382
Pastor: Rev. Jan Pipka
ul. Zdrojowa 8; 33-380 Krynica Zdroj, office hours: by individual arrangement
Mass: Sundays and Holy Days 8 30 AM
Date of indulgence: 28th July
Parish was reactivated in 1983
Record books:
Baptisms from 1983 (together with Krynica parish)
Marriages from 1983 (together with Krynica parish)
Deaths from 1983 (together with Krynica parish)
Religious education: lessons conducted in a private house
Territory of the parish: the town of Nowy Sacz, Nowy Sacz township, Tatrzanski, Nowotarski and Limanowski poviats, Grybow county and the town of Grybow