Ascension of Our Lord in Gladyszow
Regon: 490486572
Ascension of Our Lord Greek Catholic parish in Gladyszow; 38-315 Uscie Gorlickie, malopolskie voivodeship
Pastor’s address:
Wysowa-Zdroj 17; 38-316 Wysowa-Zdroj, malopolskie voivodeship
Mob. +48 517 221 554
Pastor: Rev. Jaroslaw Czuchta
Wysowa-Zdroj 17
Mass: Sundays and Holy Days 8 15 AM; Working Holy Days 8 15 AM
Date of indulgence: moveable – Ascension of Our Lord Day
Parish was reactivated in 1994
Record books:
Baptisms from 1986
Marriages from 1997
Deaths 2001
Religious education: Primary School in Gladyszow
Territory of the parish: Gladyszow, Regietow Wyzny and Nizny, Smerekowiec, Konieczna and Zdynia along with its colonies