Presentation of the Holy Virgin in Bajory Male
Regon: 040120196
Presentation of the Holy Virgin Greek Catholic parish in Bajory Male; Bajory Male 7; 11-429 Srokowo, warminsko – mazurskie voivodeship
Pastor’s address:
ul. Mazurska 48; 11-440 Reszel, warminsko – mazurskie voivodeship
Mob. + 48 663 990 028
Pastor: Rev. Dariusz Gliniewicz
ul. Mazurska 48; 11-440 Reszel
Mass: Sundays and Holy Days 8 30 AM
Date of indulgence: 4th December
Parish was erected in 1958
Record books:
Baptisms from 1958
Marriages from 1958
Deaths from 1958
Religious education: Primary School and Middle School in Srokowo
Territory of the parish: all towns and villages in Srokowo county